For MROs a Heat Treat ROI is a great way to get your company money! Especially if you are sending out thousands of dollars of parts for heat treating every month. Do you send several of the same parts to your heat treat source to ensure that hopefully, one will come back ok? Have you ever played that game? Or have you had to ground an aircraft for a day or two because the part you needed would not be ready for a week? I wonder how happy management was about that?
Well, don’t worry about this anymore. Be a MRO superhero and show your company how they could save thousands of dollars every month by using a DELTA H TECHNOLOGIES, LLC heat treat oven or furnace instead of outsourcing. A heat treats system that was designed from the ground up for AMS2750E! And after you payoff this State of the Art DELTA H TECHNOLOGIES, LLC system, you will actually start making your company money! Let me say that again! YOU WILL ACTUALLY MAKE YOUR COMPANY MONEY!
Now I don’t know your boss or your boss’s boss, but I do know this… anytime you tell one of those big guys that you could make them thousands of dollars a year they tend to listen. So let us help you, help them! Become a MRO superhero and let us do a Heat Treat ROI for you. It takes as little as 15 minutes; you just answer some questions, and then put us to task. Yep, I bet your feeling those guns in your arms getting bigger already. A MRO SUPERHERO; man you look good!
You have nothing to lose but so much to gain and it will be the best 15 minutes you’ve spent in a long time. Better parts, no down times, and phenomenal savings. Check out our ROI page, testimonials, and who some of our customers are! We’re no “fly by night” company (yes, I said that). We’re not disguising any old industrial oven as an Aerospace wonder. We are the one and only Heat Treat System made exclusively for the Aerospace Industry, AMS2750E, and for MRO SUPERHEROS like you! Can you say “Thank you DELTA-H”? I knew you could!